1.51 - To be eligible to participate, practice, and/or try out in interscholastic activities, a student must be academically eligible. A student is required to pass classes that carry at least 2.5 Units (5 classes) counting toward graduation the semester immediately preceding participation.
- At the end of the first semester, the school must determine that the student has a grade of 70% or higher in classes carrying at least 2.5 Units.
- The second semester grade will be the grade given for the entire course and shall include the end-of-course test grade.
- Remediation programs designed to bring the student’s first semester grade up to 70% or higher may be used (in accordance with GHSA guidelines) if the school allows such programs for all students.
1.52 - Students gain or lose eligibility on the first day of the subsequent semester. The first day of the Fall semester shall be interpreted as the first date of practice for the first sport.
(a) Exception: Students who successfully complete summer school to maintain eligibility become eligible the last day of summer school.
- Summer school is an extension of the previous semester and courses may be: a. remedial in nature where a previously-taken course is repeated in its entirety with a new grade being given. b. enrichment in nature where a new course is taken that results in new credit being earned.
- A maximum of two (2) unit credits earned in summer school may be counted for eligibility purposes.
1.53 - Students must accumulate units towards graduation according to the following criteria:
- First-year students (entering 9th grade) are eligible academically. Second semester first-year students must have passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units the previous semester in order to participate.
- Second-year students must have accumulated five (5) total units in the first year, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester.
- Third-year students must have accumulated eleven (11) units in the first and second years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester.
- Fourth-year students must have accumulated seventeen (17) units in the first three years, AND passed courses carrying at least 2.5 units in the previous semester.
- Students may accumulate the required units for participation during the school year and eligibility will be reinstated at the beginning of the next semester.