Online Registration
General Information
The online registration process will walk you through a series of steps to enter or confirm information about your student, parents or guardians, and emergency contacts. You will also have the opportunity to upload necessary documents, such as proof of residency. The online registration system is available in English and Spanish.
New Students
This option is for families who DO NOT have an existing student in MCSD OR your child is transferring from another school district, institution, or home school environment AND you have no other children enrolled in MCSD Schools.
Current Students
This option is for families who have a currently enrolled student in MCSD and/or have a new student with a sibling who is a current student. If your new student has a sibling who is a currently enrolled student in MCSD, please complete your online registration application through the Infinite Campus Portal. You may add your new students during the annual update window or at any time during the school year.