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Special Dietary Needs

If your student needs to receive a Special Dietary Modification in their school meal programs, please read this information carefully.

The Muscogee County School Nutrition Program is committed to accommodating all students with a wide range of dietary options. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act requires schools to follow strict meal patterns and dietary specifications. A reasonable modification within the meals we provide can be made for students with diagnosed disabilities that restrict their diet as long as a medical statement from a licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner is provided. Each special dietary situation will be treated on a case-by-case basis.

When using the Special Dietary Needs Prescription Form (the PDF found on this page) have a licensed healthcare professional read the instructions on the first page thoroughly before filling out the second page. Please provide detailed information about the student’s situation so that we may best accommodate their needs and keep them safe.

The Medical Statement should address:

  • The student’s disability
  • An explanation of why the disability restricts the student’s diet
  • The major life activity affected by the disability
  • The food(s) to be omitted from the student’s diet
  • An explanation of how the student must be accommodated (i.e. the food or choice of foods that must be provided as the substitute)

In addition, students who receive meal modifications based on current specific dietary accommodations in their 504 Plan or IEP will receive those accommodations, and we ask for the most current information as dietary needs change.

If a student no longer needs a meal modification, the program does not require written documentation from a licensed healthcare professional rescinding the original medical order prior to ending the meal modification. However, we do ask for documentation signed and dated by the parent or guardian indicating that their student will be safe consuming previously omitted food items and no longer needs a meal accommodation. This measure is meant to ensure the safety of the student.

Special Dietary Needs Form

Contact Information

Jada Bone
Nutrition Specialist