Mathematics 6-12
General Information
The Muscogee County School District understands that successful preparation for both postsecondary education and employment requires learning rigorous mathematics content and skills. It is due to this understanding that the mathematics programs in our schools are committed to providing our students access to engaging mathematical learning experiences that build upon conceptual understanding and promote the connection between that understanding and procedural fluency in developing effective mathematical thinkers.
Goals of Mathematics Education
Each and every student in Georgia should be provided with opportunities to:
● become confident in using mathematics to analyze and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations as they recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us.
● develop the knowledge and skills, including academic language, symbols and notation of mathematics, and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics.
● develop abstract, logical, and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work and the work of others.
● develop a critical appreciation of the use of information and communication technology in mathematics.
● appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives.
Mathematics instruction focuses on actively engaging the student in the development of mathematical understanding by working independently and cooperatively to solve problems, estimating and computing efficiently, using appropriate tools, concrete models, and a variety of representations, and conducting investigations and recording findings. There is a shift toward applying mathematical concepts and skills in the context of authentic problems and student understanding of concepts rather than merely following a sequence of procedures. In mathematics classrooms, students will learn to think critically in a mathematical way with an understanding that there are many different solution pathways and sometimes more than one right answer in applied mathematics. The implementation of the Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards places the expected emphasis on sense-making, problem solving, reasoning, modeling, representation, connections, and communication.
When students are learning mathematics, they should engage in:
● Positive Mathematical Mindsets - Fostering positive mathematical mindsets is essential to support mathematical growth and development.
● Mathematical Practices - Mathematical practices are the habits of mind for learners to demonstrate as they are engaging in exploring the mathematics content.
● Mathematical Modeling - Students will be expected to engage in the cycle for Mathematical Modeling in all learning tasks and activities to support student engagement at the highest level.
● Statistical Reasoning - Students will be expected to engage in the four-part statistical problem solving process K-12 by asking statistical questions, collecting data, analyzing data, and interpreting the results.
Documents and Resouces
Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards: Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards
Georgia Milestones Assessment Resources: Georgia Milestones Resources
Georgia K-12 Mathematics Parent Letters: Georgia K-12 Mathematics Parent Letters
GaDOE Inspire:
Contact Information
James Special
Secondary Mathematics Content Specialist