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Social Studies K-5

General Information

Social Studies instruction includes the integration of innovative teaching practices that enhance inquiry, allow students to think creatively, reflect on the past to connect to the present in order to solve recurring and future problems, and to increase students' fundamental understanding of their role as citizens in the community, state, nation, and world. It consists of essential knowledge, skills, and concepts from history, geography, economics, political science, and civics/government.

An excellent education in social studies is essential to civic competence and the maintenance and enhancement of a free and democratic society. Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are meaningful, integrative, value-based, challenging, and active.

MCSD is committed to provide students with quality social studies instruction that allows them to compete in a global society. The social studies frameworks, provided by GaDOE, allows teachers the organization to teach the Georgia Standards of Excellence within units. The units and frameworks align to connecting themes and enduring understandings that transcends units and courses. Ultimately, the enduring understandings are what the students will take from a course that applies to life beyond school. Our goal is to inspire and equip all students to achieve unlimited potential.  

Documents and Resouces

Contact Information

Benjamin Travers 
Science and Social Studies Content Specialist