How long does it take to set up transportation for regular education students?
Three to Five (3-5) business days are needed to obtain all emergency information, process routing information, contact drivers, and communication with parents and other district support staff involved.
Why is my child's bus sometimes late?
Children should remain at their assigned bus stop location. Occasionally buses will develop mechanical problems, inclement weather, delays due to traffic, or have a substitute driver. The bus is coming; do not leave your bus stop location! If the bus is more than 30 minutes late, you can contact transportation office number at 706-748-2876 to find out the bus information.
My child left an item on the bus. How can I retrieve it?
The bus drivers check their buses after every route. Items left by students are held by the driver for several days and may be claimed on the bus by the child (such as band instruments, cell phones, etc.); the next morning.
Can my student get off the bus a parent/guardian there to meet them? What happens if I am not there to meet the bus?
For your child's safety, someone must be at the child’s bus stop to meet any student in grades Pre-K thru 2nd in the afternoon. The driver has a schedule to keep and cannot wait at the bus stop to watch all the students walk to their homes; please make sure a parent has someone there who will make sure your child gets home safely. Remember, it’s your responsibility to ensure your child is safely walking to and from the bus stop. This is per the Department of Family and Children's Services Guidelines for the safety and supervision of children.
Age | Guideline |
8 and Under | Should never be left alone, even for short periods of time. |
Between 9 and 12 | Based on level of maturity, can be left at home for brief periods of time. |
13 and older | Generally, can be left as babysitters, with the exception of children in foster care. It is not recommended, however, that 13-year-old baby sit infants, small children and children that require special attention due to medical conditions. |
What is the process if I have a change of address?
Contact your student’s school to update the address NOT Transportation.
Who do I contact about bus concerns or request a stop add or change?
Bus drivers are NOT authorized to change a student’s bus stop location. If you have any concerns about your current bus stop location or would like to request a new stop, contact the school district and or Transportation Supervisor from your child’s school. The names and office numbers are listed on the Transportation portion of the Muscogee County School District website. https://www.muscogee.k12.ga.us/about-us-clone/families-students/transportation-clone/contact-us
Why does my child have a seat assignment?
Seat assignments are a positive way for the ride to be consistent and safe; this aids the driver with discipline. Drivers will assign seats as they deem necessary to ensure safety on the bus ride to and from the school.
Why does my child have to walk to school?
Georgia State Law policy deems that transportation to a school will be provided for students who live outside of a 1-mile radius for elementary students, or 1 ½ mile for middle and high school students, of their attendance area. If your child is within the school’s “walk zone,” and you have concerns or questions regarding the route your child must take, please discuss them with your transportation supervisor. http://guide.saferoutesinfo.org/engineering/the_school_zone.cfm
SPED Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my child's bus sometimes late?
Children should remain at their home or assigned bus stop. Occasionally buses will develop delays due to mechanical problems, new students, inclement weather, traffic, or having a substitute driver. If the bus is running late, Do Not leave assigned stop! If the bus is more than 30 minutes late, you can call transportation office number 706-748-2876 to find out the bus information.
How long does it take to set up transportation for special education students?
Up to 10 business days are needed to obtain student information from the PES (Program for Exceptional Students) department. The driver will contact the parent with pick-up and drop-off times.
How do I request a bus stop change?
Bus drivers are NOT authorized to change a student’s bus stop assignment or bus stop location. Please contact your child’s school to update the address and contact the PES (Programs for Exceptional Students) department (706)748-2230 for address change.
Can my child have more than one pick-up or drop-off address?
Your child is only allowed to have one location for pick-up and one drop-off; this is a directive given by the PES (Programs for Exceptional Students) department.
Can a sibling ride on the Special Education bus with my student?
Students are only allowed to ride on a special education bus if special needs transportation is stated within their IEP (Individualized Education Program). IEP’s are done at the school level.
What is the process for a safety vest?
A safety vest must be stated as a need on a student IEP (Individualized Education Program). Vests will be issued to the student by the bus driver at the start of ridership and are to be returned to the bus driver at the end of the student’s ridership. Guardians are responsible for the cost of the safety vest if not returned at the end of the ridership.