The Muscogee County Board of Education intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Muscogee County School District. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearings on this matter to be held at Public Education Center, 2960 Macon Road, Columbus, GA 31906 on February 10, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at Public Education Center 2960 Macon Road, Columbus, GA 31906 on February 18, 2025 at 12:00 p.m., and February 18, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Among the reasons that the Board intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption is that the Muscogee County School District is already impacted by a county-wide freeze on the assessed fair market values of homestead property and affirms that with the opt-out all existing local homestead exemptions, including the local Frozen Assessment Homestead, will remain unchanged. The intent to opt out follows a thorough review of the potential long-term impact on local taxpayers, school district revenues, retention of local control, and provides flexibility for the future that is not afforded by the state exemption. Details on current exemptions can be found at
The safety, well-being and educational success of every student enrolled in the Muscogee County School District remains our top priority. In light of recent changes in federal immigration policy, the District wants to reiterate its stance surrounding access to students during the school day and records and the rights of students to attend school.
The Muscogee County School District, in keeping with current law and its Board Policies, does not inquire about the immigration status of its students or their family members. The District supports the legal right of all children, regardless of immigration status, to access a public education, and is focused on the provision of educational services.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student records, and the District will limit access to student records in keeping with that law. The District controls access to the non-public areas of its buildings, and will continue to follow school safety protocols as well as relevant laws that limit access to students while at school. The District will follow relevant laws as well as its internal protocols related to communication with outside agencies. The District will also consult with counsel and continue to monitor changes and adhere to federal policies, while remaining focused on its educational mission to inspire and equip all students to achieve unlimited potential.
Durante las últimas elecciones y en las semanas posteriores, el tema de la inmigración ha sido ampliamente discutido en nuestra comunidad y en todo el país. A medida que la nueva administración asume el cargo, se han emitido una serie de órdenes ejecutivas relacionadas con la inmigración.
El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Muscogee, en conformidad con la ley vigente y las pólizas de su Junta Escolar, no pregunta sobre el estatus migratorio de sus estudiantes ni de sus familiares. El Distrito apoya el derecho legal de todos los niños, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, a obtener a una educación pública y se enfoca en la provisión de servicios educativos.
La Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad de la Familia (FERPA, por sus siglas en inglés) protege la privacidad de los registros de los estudiantes, y el Distrito limitará el acceso a los registros de los estudiantes de acuerdo con esa ley. El Distrito controla el acceso a las áreas no públicas de sus edificios y seguirá los protocolos de seguridad escolar, así como las leyes pertinentes que limitan el acceso a los estudiantes mientras están en la escuela. El Distrito seguirá las leyes pertinentes, así como sus protocolos internos relacionados con la comunicación con agencias externas. El Distrito también consultará con su abogado y seguirá monitoreando los cambios y adhiriendo a las pólizas federales, mientras permanece enfocado en su misión educativa de inspirar y equipar a todos los estudiantes para que alcancen un potencial ilimitado
Columbus, Ga – The Muscogee County Board of Education intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for the Muscogee County School District. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearings on this matter to be held at Public Education Center, 2960 Macon Road, Columbus, GA 31906, on January 13, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at Public Education Center 2960 Macon Road, Columbus, GA 31906 on January 21, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., February 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., and February 18, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.
COLUMBUS, GA – The Muscogee County School District (MCSD) Board of Education will hold a called meeting on Tuesday, December 31, at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to enter into an executive session to address a legal matter in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-2.
December 6, 2024- The Muscogee County School District 2024 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores have been released following the second year of significant changes to their calculation. The CCRPI no longer includes an overall 0-100 single score for schools, districts, or the state. This change was first implemented in 2022 under an addendum from the U.S. Department of Education and made permanent this year under an amendment to Georgia’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. Information about the changes approved under this amendment is available here.
About the CCRPI Components: Content Mastery measures how well students achieve on the Georgia Milestones Assessments (GMAS) and the Georgia Alternative Assessment (GAA 2.0). Progress measures how much students are growing year over year in terms of their performance on GMAS. Closing Gaps represent how well students and smaller student sub-groups are achieving year over year based upon group-specific targets. Readiness measures student literacy, attendance rates and participation in outside the core enrichment opportunities. The high school Grad Rate component measures the district’s success rate for graduating students in four years.
Scoring for the CCRPI Components: Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps, Readiness, and Graduation Rate for high schools – is now reported individually using a 0-100-point scale. The change was made to increase transparency and provide a more complete picture of school performance, ensuring that challenges and opportunities are not hidden behind a single score.
“Building on the results of the past few years, we join with our school communities in celebrating continued improvement in progress and notable increases in content mastery at all levels- elementary, middle and high school- in the areas of math, science and English Language Arts. We are particularly pleased that our students’ improvement outpaced that of the state in seven of ten comparable areas that further affirms the hard work by students and educators as well the improvement initiatives undertaken post pandemic. While we are pleased with the progress, we are not satisfied and must continue to focus on early literacy, writing, and the newly implemented math frameworks going forward,” said Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent.
District Elementary Scores |
Content Mastery |
Progress |
Closing Gaps |
Readiness |
53.5 |
83.2 |
94.4 |
80.3 |
District Middle School Scores |
Content Mastery |
Progress |
Closing Gaps |
Readiness |
48.4 |
76.4 |
94.4 |
77.9 |
District High School Scores |
Content Mastery |
Progress |
Closing Gaps |
Readiness |
Grad Rate |
60.5 |
91.2 |
79.6 |
70.2 |
94.2 |
“Analyzing the CCRPI results by category allows us to see the district’s areas of improvement that aren’t accounted for when using a single score methodology as was done with the Promise Scholarship list. For instance, the improvements many of our schools serving English Language Learners saw in increasing English language proficiency or progress in the areas of student growth, which are missed when a single score is applied. There is still a great deal of work to be done, but these results show the continued hard work of our students and teachers, which should be recognized,” said Patrick Knopf, Senior Director of Research, Accountability and Assessment.
Notes on Comparability: Some CCRPI components were not calculated in 2022 due to pandemic-related data limitations and other components have seen changes to how they are calculated.
- The Content Mastery and Graduation Rate components are comparable between 2023 and 2024 with the exception of Math due to the change in Math standards.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA – According to a recent release from the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), the Muscogee County School District (MCSD) has surpassed the state graduation rate for the twelfth consecutive year. The District graduation rate has increased to 94.1 percent, an increase of .6 percentage points, year-over-year, from 93.5 percent in 2023. This marks the highest graduation rate for the District since the four-year cohort rate has been calculated.
“We applaud our graduating Class of 2024 for their perseverance and hard work that yielded another all-time high for our district that once again exceeds the state rate. Coupled with the SAT results released last month that also surpassed state and national averages, the MCSD Class of 2024 is a distinguished cohort of full-option graduates. These results are also a testament to their families and the many educators and other adults who supported them throughout their educational careers,” states Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent.
“The steady improvement over the years is attributed to more intentional efforts in identifying and monitoring students as early as middle school who are not on track to graduate on time. We then provide them with additional support, resources, and encouragement toward attaining this important educational milestone,” Dr. David Lewis
The Cohort Rate is calculated using the data from students who graduate from high school within four years, as required by the U.S. Department of Education. It is also one of the indicators used in calculating the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).
Graduation Rate |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Muscogee County |
91.2 |
92.0 |
93.5 |
94.1 |
State |
83.7 |
84.1 |
84.4 |
85.4 |
Difference |
7.5 |
7.9 |
9.1 |
8.7 |
In addition to the District-wide increase, several schools continued to see improvements in their cohort rates.
· Four High Schools earned their highest cohort graduation rate to date: Hardaway, Kendrick, Shaw and Spencer.
· All MCSD High Schools achieved graduation rates of 90.0 percent or higher
· All MCSD High Schools (nine) were above the State average
- Two schools achieved a 100 percent graduation rate: Columbus and Rainey-McCullers.
School |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Carver |
92.3 |
86.5 |
90.8 |
90.4 |
Columbus |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Hardaway |
89.8 |
87.6 |
90.4 |
92.1 |
Jordan |
86.4 |
89.7 |
94.9 |
92.6 |
Kendrick |
84.4 |
91.6 |
90.0 |
92.2 |
Northside |
96.3 |
96.3 |
96.9 |
96.6 |
Rainey-McCullers |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Shaw |
91.8 |
91.8 |
94.3 |
94.9 |
Spencer |
85.2 |
89.0 |
85.4 |
90.2 |
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA— Based on the latest weather forecasts predicting severe conditions, including heavy rain, strong winds, and flooding from Hurricane Helene in the Columbus area tomorrow and potentially continuing Friday, students will not report to school on Thursday, September 26, 2024, and Friday, September 27, 2024.
All after-school activities and sports on Thursday and Friday will be canceled.
Please continue to monitor weather updates, the district website, and our social media channels for further announcements.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA - The Muscogee County School District once again surpasses both the state and nation in all categories on the 2024 SAT Graduation Cohort results recently released in an announcement by the Georgia Department of Education.
“We are pleased that our district’s cohort of students has once again outperformed their state and national peers in all three assessed areas (Reading/Writing, Math, and Composite). However, like the state and nation, we, too, experienced a decline that bears further analysis and monitoring. Regardless, I am proud of this cohort of students for their commitment to completing the recommended coursework and taking advantage of the SAT preparation opportunities offered by each of our high schools and during the Summer Learning program. Likewise, I am grateful to our hard-working educators, as the SAT is one measure of ultimate growth that starts in Pre-K or kindergarten and continues through high school,” said Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent of Education.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The redesigned SAT features items to test higher-level logic and reasoning skills in reading, writing and math and a different scoring scale from previous versions. Each year there is a different cohort of students who take the SAT, which makes it difficult to draw a comparison from one year to the next. In addition, results are contingent upon the level of coursework students pursue prior to the test administration. Since the SAT and American College Testing (ACT) allow students to sit for the exam regardless of coursework, results can vary from year to year. The differences in cohort size, variance in cohort composition and completed coursework contribute to fluctuations in results year over year which should be considered when analyzing results.
Mean Evidence-Based Reading and Writing |
Group |
2023 Grads |
2024 Grads |
Nation |
510 |
507 |
Georgia |
534 |
527 |
556 |
548 |
School |
Carver High |
486 |
473 |
Columbus High |
627 |
613 |
Hardaway High |
510 |
499 |
Jordan High |
484 |
487 |
Kendrick High |
485 |
495 |
Northside |
541 |
541 |
Rainey McCullers |
561 |
547 |
Shaw High |
478 |
487 |
Spencer High |
468 |
488 |
Mean Math |
Group |
2023 Grads |
2024 Grads |
Nation |
493 |
488 |
Georgia |
511 |
503 |
526 |
515 |
School |
Carver High |
444 |
441 |
Columbus High |
609 |
594 |
Hardaway High |
476 |
457 |
Jordan High |
446 |
429 |
Kendrick High |
443 |
422 |
Northside |
501 |
501 |
Rainey McCullers |
501 |
506 |
Shaw High |
442 |
455 |
Spencer High |
456 |
437 |
Mean Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math |
Group |
2023 Grads |
2024 Grads |
Nation |
1003 |
995 |
Georgia |
1045 |
1030 |
1082 |
1062 |
School |
Carver High |
930 |
914 |
Columbus High |
1236 |
1207 |
Hardaway High |
985 |
955 |
Jordan High |
930 |
916 |
Kendrick High |
928 |
917 |
Northside |
1042 |
1042 |
Rainey McCullers |
1061 |
1053 |
Shaw High |
920 |
942 |
Spencer High |
924 |
925 |
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
- Website:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
The Muscogee County School District extends its deepest condolences to the Apalachee High School Community, the Barrow County School District and the Winder community at large. We know the anguish they are suffering is very personal, but we want them to know that our thoughts and prayers are with them as we share in the heartbreak of this horrific and senseless tragedy.
School should and must be a place where students and staff feel safe and secure. Regrettably, no school is immune to violence. However, the Muscogee County School District is fully committed to the safety of our students and staff. Our comprehensive safety plan is reviewed annually by Emergency Management authorities, and our own accredited police department is dedicated to ensuring a secure environment. In addition, the District employs the following safety initiatives to manage safety protocols to address potential threats:
The District employs the following safety initiatives to manage safety protocols and address potential threats:
- Vector Safe Schools Alert Training
- Control Access Entryways
- Centegix Crisis Alert System
- Raptor School Safety Software
- Updated Surveillance Cameras
- Collaborative Academic Response and Education Team
- Violence Prevention Initiatives
- Crisis Response Team
Our district also has a close relationship with other local law enforcement agencies that share information and have adopted a unified response protocol for various types of emergencies to respond as a coordinated team.
We will continue to use best practices and common sense to keep our schools as safe as possible. However, school safety is everyone’s responsibility, so please remind students to report anything suspicious or concerning to school staff or law enforcement for further investigation and appropriate action.
Children and teens will process the news of this tragedy in different ways. School Counselors are available to assist students who may need support. Below are resources from the American School Counselor Association and National Association of School Psychologists that may be helpful to parents in supporting students:
- Helping Students After a School Shooting - American School Counselor Association
- Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers - National Association of School Psychologists
Thank you for supporting us in our shared responsibility and commitment to your children and our community.
Dr. David F. Lewis
Superintendent of Education
Columbus, GA— As a result of the City of Columbus and Muscogee County School District officials collaborating over the weekend regarding the game location of the Carver/Spencer Heritage Bowl on August 23, 2024, the city’s third-party vendor has agreed to divert resources from another project to ensure the lights are upgraded for this historic game.
Therefore, the Heritage Bowl (Carver/Spencer game) will now take place at AJ McClung Memorial Stadium on Friday, August 23, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. This change is effective immediately and ensures that attendees can expect the same level of excitement and community spirit that the Heritage Bowl is known for.
We look forward to an exciting Carver/Spencer Heritage Bowl game at AJ McClung Memorial Stadium on Friday, August 23, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. kickoff.
Media Inquiries: Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications or 706-668-0741
Teasha Hollis, Director of Communications, City Manager’s Office, City of Columbus at or 706-225-3115
Columbus, GA—Due to facility renovations at Memorial Stadium, the 2024-2025 Heritage Bowl (Carver High School vs. Spencer High School football game), on Friday, August 23, 2024 will be temporarily relocated to Kinnett Stadium while the upgrades are being completed. Kinnett Stadium was chosen as the temporary venue to accommodate all aspects of the Heritage Bowl event, including congestion and logistics.
The decision to move the Heritage Bowl was not taken lightly, and extensive planning has gone into ensuring that Kinnett Stadium will meet the needs of players, fans, and staff. The temporary relocation will allow Memorial Stadium to undergo necessary enhancements that will improve the overall experience for future events.
Kinnett Stadium is well-equipped to host the Heritage Bowl. Despite the change in venue, attendees can expect the same level of excitement and community spirit that the Heritage Bowl is known for.
We understand the impact this temporary move may have on our fans and the local community. Efforts are being made to minimize inconvenience and ensure a smooth transition.
We look forward to returning to Memorial Stadium next year with improved amenities and an even better experience for everyone. In the meantime, we invite everyone to join us at Kinnett Stadium on Friday, August 23, 2024 to continue the tradition and excitement of the Heritage Bowl.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Friday, July 26– Georgia Milestones test scores were released today for the Muscogee County School District and the state. The Georgia Milestones Assessment System is designed to provide information about how well students are mastering the state-adopted content standards in the core content areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Due to the recent change in Georgia’s math standards, these results do not include math scores which will be released later this year after they are validated.
Georgia Milestones EOG and EOC tests report student learning with four levels of performance. The designations aim to shift the focus away from test scores and aim to capture the progression of a student’s learning.
Beginning Learners require a significant amount of support from home and school to succeed in the next grade level.
Developing Learners have shown partially mastered their grade level standards but need additional home and school support to succeed in the next grade level.
Proficient Learners have shown mastery of the grade level standards and are ready to move up to the next grade level.
Distinguished Learners have shown mastery beyond the grade level, which indicates their readiness for advanced coursework.
“District and State GMAS results and trends reflect modest improvement with the MCSD improving in 11 of 13 assessed areas compared to the state’s 10 of 13. A district cohort comparison of the same students since the pandemic indicates a narrowing of performance gaps with state averages in several areas. While this improvement is welcome, we, as a district, find this progress too incremental and expect greater, more consistent improvement in the years ahead with the training, implementation and close monitoring of the MCSD Blueprint containing state-aligned instructional content, resources, formative assessments and specific achievement targets to include a greater emphasis on writing. To address the need related to early literacy referenced by State Superintendent Woods, our district’s multi-year partnership with the Rollins Center begun last year in ten elementary schools provides pre-k through Grade 2 staff training in the research-based Science of Reading. Remaining elementary schools will be added over the next two years to include expanding this training to grades 3-5.”
“Moreover, we are excited for the inaugural year of the innovative, re-purposed Brewer Elementary K-2 Academy focused on early literacy and numeracy acceleration for qualifying children of Dorothy Height, Martin Luther King, Jr. and J.D. Davis Elementary Schools. With the assistance of our community partners, this school will equip and empower these children for success in third grade and beyond”, stated Superintendent, Dr. David Lewis
Grade 3 |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 520L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 520L) |
2,100 |
43.3 |
56.7 |
English Language Arts |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,100 |
45.1 |
25.8 |
20.9 |
8.2 |
54.9 |
29.1 |
Grade 4 |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 740L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 740L) |
2,153 |
53.3 |
46.7 |
English Language Arts |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,153 |
40.4 |
33.2 |
19.0 |
7.3 |
59.6 |
26.4 |
Grade 5 |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 830L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 830L) |
2,176 |
36.3 |
63.7 |
English Language Arts |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,176 |
32.4 |
30.3 |
29.4 |
7.9 |
67.6 |
37.3 |
Science |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,167 |
46.3 |
22.9 |
22.7 |
8.1 |
53.7 |
30.8 |
Grade 6 |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 925L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 925L) |
2,181 |
53.0 |
47.0 |
English Language Arts |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,181 |
44.0 |
28.3 |
23.1 |
4.6 |
56.0 |
27.7 |
Grade 7 |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 970L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 970L) |
2,113 |
38.8 |
61.2 |
English Language Arts |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,113 |
40.7 |
30.8 |
24.4 |
4.1 |
59.3 |
28.5 |
Grade 8 |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 1010L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 1010L) |
2,152 |
35.6 |
64.4 |
English Language Arts |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,152 |
29.7 |
35.7 |
24.6 |
9.9 |
70.3 |
34.5 |
Science Grade 8 |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
1,790 |
60.2 |
23.0 |
13.7 |
3.2 |
39.8 |
16.9 |
High School Physical Science Grade 8 |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
353 |
18.4 |
21.5 |
35.4 |
24.6 |
81.6 |
60.1 |
Social Studies |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,141 |
36.8 |
37.1 |
20.3 |
5.8 |
63.2 |
26.1 |
American Literature |
Reading Status |
Number Tested |
Percent Below Grade Level (Lexile < 1185L) |
Percent Grade Level or Above (Lexile ≥ 1185L) |
2,010 |
39.1 |
60.9 |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,010 |
32.3 |
32.5 |
27.0 |
8.2 |
67.7 |
35.2 |
Biology |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
2,091 |
35.1 |
23.8 |
31.1 |
9.9 |
64.9 |
41.1 |
U.S History |
Number Tested |
Percent Beginning Learner |
Percent Developing Learner |
Percent Proficient Learner |
Percent Distinguished Learner |
Percent Developing Learner & Above |
Percent Proficient Learner & Above |
1,433 |
38.9 |
38.1 |
20.1 |
2.9 |
61.1 |
23.0 |
“Reflecting on our most recent GMAS results, we, as a district, are not satisfied with incremental gains and losses over time in various grade level and content areas. We have worked hard as a district over the last two years to provide teacher-vetted, evidence-based instructional resources to support the delivery of instruction throughout Muscogee County – resources aligned to recent changes in state law and Georgia instructional standards. Teacher leaders have been involved in developing course materials that provide teachers with a detailed road map for the year with the necessary supporting resources. As a district, we have created the MCSD Blueprint where these course materials and other resources are housed for teachers and school leaders to access. Within this Blueprint, Reading and Math achievement targets for Pre-K through 3rd grade have been developed to provide us the goals we are working to reach. We have also developed new writing assessments to better inform teachers on student writing ability and achievement. Additionally, we recently received our district accreditation renewal for the next six years which validated our continuous improvement strategies and confirmed our identified need to monitor the implementation of these instructional resources”, said Dr. Tim Smith, Chief Academic Officer.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA – The Muscogee County School District announces window for the Open Seat Transfer requests for school year 2024-2025 in accordance with Georgia House Bill 251 (HB 251).
Applications will be available online from 12:00 a.m. on May 7, 2024, to May 21, 2024. Application submissions for Open Seat Transfers will close at 11:59 p.m. on May 21, 2024; late submissions will not be considered for selection. Exceptions to the deadline include parents or legal guardians of students who are new to the district. Approvals and/or denial statuses will be emailed to the parent and/or legal guardian by June 30, 2024.
NOTE: You must complete an online registration application for the 2024-2025 school year to be considered for an Open-Seat Transfer or Hardship request.
Parents and/or legal guardians should note the following information if preparing to apply for Open Seat Transfers in accordance with HB 251.
- HB 251 allows parents or guardians of students enrolled in a public elementary or secondary school in Georgia to elect to enroll their student in a public school located within the school district in which the student resides, other than the one to which the student has been assigned if such school has permanent classroom space available after its assigned students have been enrolled.
- The parent/guardian shall assume the responsibility and cost of transportation of the student to and from the school.
- If the student receives Special Education services, the school being applied to must already have them in place, as required by the student's current Individual Education Plan (IEP), or the transfer request will be denied.
- Students eligible for transfer under the unsafe school choice option will receive first priority for available seats.
- If the number of requests exceeds the spaces available at a school, the requests will be selected via a lottery. There will be no appeals.
- The parent and/or legal guardian will have 14 days from the receipt of approval to confirm enrollment. Failure to confirm enrollment by the deadline will forfeit the transfer approval.
- Any change of school placement that is not the result of a bona fide change of residence, such as transfers under HB 251, may impact a student's eligibility to participate in Georgia High School Association (GHSA) sanctioned varsity activities and events for one calendar year. The parent and/or legal guardian is responsible for investigating and determining the impact of such a transfer.
- There will be no sibling priority, with the exception of a student with simultaneous multiple births (e.g., twins, triplets, etc.) who are selected for a seat. Siblings of that exception will be drawn simultaneously during the lottery, with the other sibling(s) of that set receiving placement if a seat is available.
Please note the following schools are not available for Open Seat Transfers due to seat availability:
- Britt David Elementary
- Columbus High School
- Rainey-McCullers Magnet
- Downtown Elementary
- Northside High School
- Clubview Elementary
- Eagle Ridge Elementary
- Mathews Elementary
- North Columbus Elementary
- Richards Middle School
- Veterans Memorial Middle
NOTE: An Online Registration application for the 2024-2025 school year must be completed to be considered for a Hardship Transfer. Applications will be available and are considered throughout the school year for extenuating circumstances.
- Hardship Transfers are available year-round with evidence of compelling reasons (i.e., medical reasons, childcare situations, school district employees).
- Parents of students new to the school district for the coming year may apply online or at Central Registration at the time of enrollment.
- Approvals and/or denials statuses will be sent by to the parent and/or legal guardian.
- Parents and/or legal guardians should note the following information if preparing to apply for Hardship Transfers.
- All requests are contingent upon seat availability.
- Supporting documentation must be provided at the time of application.
- The parent/guardian shall assume the responsibility and cost of transportation of the student to and from the school.
- If the student receives Special Education services, the school being applied to must already have the Special Education services in place, as required by the student's current Individual Education Plan (IEP) or the transfer request will be denied.
- There will be no appeals.
- The parent and/or legal guardian will have 14 days from the receipt of approval to confirm enrollment. Failure to confirm enrollment by the deadline will forfeit the transfer approval.
- Any change of school placement that is not the result of a bona fide change of residence, such as transfers, may impact a student's eligibility to participate in Georgia High School Association (GHSA) sanctioned varsity activities and events for a period of one calendar year. The parent and/or legal guardian is responsible for investigating and determining the impact of such a transfer.
- There will be no sibling priority, with the exception of a student with simultaneous multiple births (e.g., twins, triplets, etc.) who are selected for a seat. Siblings of that exception will be drawn at the same time during the lottery, with the other sibling(s) of that set receiving placement if a seat is available.
- All assignments are based on seat availability.
- There is no appeals process.
Please click on the following link to complete your Open-Seat Transfer or Hardship request application:
The Muscogee County School District maintains attendance zones for school assignments. Parents are encouraged to register students at the school of assignment based on the legal residence. For more information related to transfer requests or assignments, parents and guardians should contact the zoned school of assignment or Central Registration at
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) is an annual test given to students in grades 3 -12. The Georgia Milestones measures how well students have mastered the skills outlined in the state-adopted standards for English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Students in grades 3-8 will take the End of Grade (EOG) and students in grades 9-12 will take the End of Course (EOC). The End of Course test counts for 20% of a student’s final grade in that course.
The Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS) will be administered beginning April 22, 2024 and ends May 3, 2024.
For school-specific subject test dates and times, please contact your student’s school and/or view their website.
Elementary School:
- 3rd grade: ELA & Math
- 4th grade: ELA & Math
- 5th grade: ELA & Math & Science
Middle School:
- 6th grade: ELA & Math
- 7th grade: ELA & Math
- 8th grade: ELA & Math & Science & Social Studies
High School:
- American Lit
- Algebra: Concepts & Connections
- Biology
- US History
Helpful tips for success:
- Work hard in classes on a daily basis; this is the best way to ensure success on Georgia Milestones
- When testing, students should read all instructions and test questions thoroughly
- Complete a practice test and be familiar with how the platform will work:
- Get a good night’s sleep, and be well-rested for testing
- Be on time (or a little early) for school
- Eat your normal breakfast or arrive at school on time to eat breakfast in the cafeteria.
- The days of testing are not the time to try something new for the first time! Our students perform best when they have their normal routine followed.
- Bring your device to school fully charged, and have your charger with you for the days of testing.
Columbus, GA –The Muscogee County School District (MCSD) is gearing up for the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. With safety and education in mind, the district is implementing various measures to ensure students, faculty, and staff can observe this celestial event safely while incorporating it into their learning experiences.
For elementary schools, students will be in the process of dismissal during much of the eclipse. The transportation department is also briefed on safety protocols for dismissal that day.
The following links will provide safety tips for solar eclipse events: English or Spanish
The Muscogee County School District is committed to providing a safe and enriching learning environment for all students. By incorporating safety measures and educational opportunities surrounding the solar eclipse, MCSD aims to make this celestial event both memorable and educational for its students.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
- Website:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA – Online Registration begins April 8, 2024, for ALL STUDENTS who will be attending Muscogee County Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Registration is an ongoing process throughout the year. It is completed through the Online Registration System (OLR):
- TWO proofs of address:
- Lease/mortgage/property tax AND
- A current utility bill stating the name and service address
- Withdrawal form or last report card from the previous school if transferring to a different school in the district.
If you are living with someone, the individual must accompany you and provide proof of address and a photo ID to complete an Affidavit of Residency. These are renewed yearly. If a renewal affidavit is issued, the parent must also provide official mail to that address.
- Student’s Birth Certificate
- Student’s Social Security Card
- GA Immunization Form (3231) or waiver form giving more time to get Form 3231
- GA Eye, Ear & Dental Form (3300) or waiver form more time to get Form 3300
- TWO proofs of address:
- Lease/mortgage/property tax AND
- A current utility bill stating the name and service address
- Withdrawal form or last report card from the previous school
For assistance with new student registration, contact your zone school or Central Registration at, 706-748-2219. In-person assistance is available at the Public Education Center as well. You may make an appointment to meet with a District Registrar by clicking on the link:
If you have problems logging in to your Parent Portal or need to set up Parent Portal, please contact your student’s school.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Columbus, GA – The Muscogee County School District proudly announces the appointment of Kaprice Bentley-Brown as the principal of the groundbreaking K-2 Early Literacy and Numeracy Initiative, housed at Brewer Elementary School. The K-2 Initiative marks a pivotal step forward in early childhood education, aiming to revolutionize early literacy and numeracy acceleration for qualifying children from Dorothy Height, Brewer, Martin Luther King, Jr., and J.D. Davis Elementary Schools. Bentley-Brown is currently the Principal at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary.
“Mrs. Bentley-Brown is an experienced and proven leader with a solid instructional background and passion for early childhood education, states Dr. David Lewis Superintendent. She is wholly committed to realizing the exciting vision for this bold new initiative that honors each child’s inherent right to determine their future. Her proven record of school improvement, professional learning, and staff development, as well as parental and community partner engagement, are critically important to leading this unique endeavor.”
“My educational philosophy is to cultivate a nurturing learning environment where diverse children and passionate adults feel known, valued, and inspired. I am committed to providing the necessary support and professional learning opportunities for teachers to implement personalized learning, student agency, and high-quality literacy and numeracy instruction for our diverse learners. I firmly believe that by offering these opportunities, every student can achieve and reach their highest level of growth,” said Karprice Bentley-Brown.
The K-2 Initiative is an innovative, research-based, and systemic acceleration learning model that specifically addresses structured reading based on the Science of Reading and early numeracy for children in Kindergarten through Grade 2. By providing a nurturing environment that fosters growth and development, the initiative aims to equip and empower each child in these critical areas toward reaching their full potential.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
- Website:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA - The Muscogee County School District (MCSD) is thrilled to announce the appointment of LaTonya Hamilton as the Principal of the newly established Mary A. Buckner Academy for the upcoming academic year 2024-2025. With over 24 years of exemplary leadership in education, Hamilton brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to her new role.
"I firmly believe that ALL students can learn by ensuring they understand the importance of the foundational skills learned through education. I am honored and excited to embark on this new journey as the Principal," expressed LaTonya Hamilton.
Throughout her tenure at St. Mary's Road Elementary Magnet Academy, Hamilton has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to academic excellence, student welfare, and community engagement.
"Ms. Hamilton is an experienced leader with a solid instructional background. Serving as the principal of St. Mary’s Road Elementary Magnet Academy, she already has established relationships with a large portion of the students, families, and staff that will comprise Mary A. Buckner Academy. Likewise, she has developed community partnerships that will further support the transition to the new school." stated Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent
LaTonya Hamilton is a graduate of Hardaway High School and received a Bachelor of Science in Education from Valdosta State University. She received a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and an Educational Specialist degree from Troy State University.
Hamilton's transition to Mary A. Buckner Academy signifies an exciting chapter in the district's commitment to providing exceptional educational opportunities for all students. The Muscogee County School District looks forward to continued growth and success under Hamilton's leadership at Mary A. Buckner Academy.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
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Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA - Muscogee County School District (MCSD) is excited to announce the 4th Annual SLE 2024 this summer for all students. As with previous SLEs, the experience is designed to engage students in various literacy, mathematics, and enrichment learning activities through an interactive summer camp approach for K-8 students. The District will collaborate with our local community partners to provide enrichment activities that support student interests in various areas, such as STEM, fine arts, and recreational sports.
Registration for the MCSD SLE 2024 will begin Wednesday, February 28th, and end Tuesday, April 30th. You will register your children for SLE 2024 through the registration app listed below. If you have questions related to SLE 2024, please contact your student’s school administration or call (706) 748-2055.
SLE 2024 registration link
SLE 2024 Dates and Times
Select Rising Kindergarten |
K – 5th Grade |
6th -8th Grade |
9th – 12th Grade |
May 28th – July 2nd |
June 3rd – June 27th |
June 3rd – June 27th |
June 3rd – June 27th |
7:30 am – 2:30 pm |
8:00 am – 2:00 pm |
8:30 am – 1:30 pm |
8:30 am – 12:30 pm |
Pre-K (Select Rising Kindergarten Students) will be selected by district and school administration based on the following eligibility requirements as dictated by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL):
- Did not attend a GA Pre-K or Head Start program during the school year
- Attended a GA Pre-K or Head Start program but did not attend all year
- Attended a GA Pre-K or Head Start program for a year but needs additional support
Pre-K (Select Rising Kindergarten Students) School Sites
Blanchard |
Clubview |
Double Churches |
Lonnie Jackson |
Rigdon Road |
River Road |
South Columbus |
Waddell |
Wesley Heights |
Elementary School Sites
Host Site |
Partner School 1 |
Partner School 2 |
Partner School 2 |
Blanchard |
Allen |
Britt David |
Clubview |
Gentian |
Hannan |
Wynnton |
Double Churches |
Eagle Ridge |
North Columbus |
Lonnie Jackson |
Dawson |
Dimon |
St. Mary’s |
Rigdon Road |
Brewer |
Davis |
River Road |
Downtown |
Fox |
Johnson |
South Columbus |
Dorothy Height |
Key |
Waddell |
Mathews |
Midland |
Reese Road |
Wesley Heights |
Forrest Road |
Georgetown |
Middle School Sites
Host Site |
Partner School 1 |
Partner School 2 |
Baker |
Double Churches |
Veterans |
Eddy |
Midland |
Aaron Cohn |
Blackmon Road |
Arnold |
Richards |
Rothschild |
Fort |
Host School |
Partner School |
Carver |
Jordan |
Hardaway |
Kendrick |
Shaw |
Northside |
Spencer |
Columbus High School will host a districtwide AP Academy (All schools will be involved) |
Advanced Placement (AP) Academy:
· Columbus High School will be the site for the district-wide AP Academy
· Designed for AP students to learn the basic habits of mind for AP coursework toward success in all AP classes
- Students in grades Pre-K – 8th will be able to submit summer learning transportation requests to their zoned school in the SLE 2024 registration app beginning Wednesday, February 28th through Tuesday, April 30th.
· Students in grades 9th – 12th must provide their own transportation.
· For students attending the district-wide AP Academy, transportation will be provided from and to the zoned school site. Parents will be responsible for getting their students to their zoned school.
Summer Learning Meals
- Free breakfast and lunch will be provided to students in grades Pre-K – 8th.
- High School students can eat at any of the open Summer Feeding sites; locations and times will be posted before SLE 2024.
About Muscogee County School District:
The Muscogee County School District is dedicated to providing an education that inspires and equips students to achieve their full potential and become productive citizens in a global society. Focusing on excellence, equity, and innovation, the district serves a diverse student population, fostering academic success, personal growth, and community engagement.
Connect with us:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
Media Inquiries: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Columbus, GA - The Georgia Department of Education today released the 2023-2024 lists of schools identified for additional support, as required by federal law, along with the list of schools which made the improvements needed in one year to exit identified status.
As part of the designation, states are federally required to identify their lowest-performing 5% of Title I schools, meaning there will always be identified schools even as performance increases at the state and district level.
Georgia has an updated process to identify CSI and TSI schools based on an amendment to its state Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan approved by the U.S. Department of Education in 2023. The identification criteria for each designation are described below.
Schools Identified for CSI Support
Georgia uses a staged identification process to identify CSI schools in three categories:
- The lowest-performing 5% of all Title I schools
- All high schools with a graduation rate at or below 67%
- All schools identified for Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI) for the same student group(s) for six years.
Schools Identified for TSI Support
Georgia uses a staged identification process to identify TSI schools in two categories:
Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI)
- Identifies any school with one or more consistently underperforming subgroups
Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI)
- Among schools meeting the TSI criteria, identifies any school in which any student group, on its own, would be identified as a CSI school. TSI schools are identified annually, while ATSI schools are identified every three years.
“Prior to the onset of the pandemic, our most historically challenged schools were making great progress, resulting in several improvements or qualifications to be removed from the state-identified list. Now, we congratulate and celebrate with our Fox and MLK, Jr. Elementary School communities that are the latest to make significant improvements, resulting in their removal from the state-identified list altogether, while J.D. Davis also improved its status from CSI to ATSI. Likewise, Dimon and Lonnie Jackson Elementary Schools demonstrated improvement in their targeted areas to be removed from the ATSI list as well.” said Dr. David Lewis, Superintendent.
He continued, “Since beginning my tenure in the MCSD, I have maintained that schools cannot do this work alone, and the notable improvement by these schools is a testament to the hard work of the students, teachers, staff, and parents of these school communities, as well as the community partners that provide needed support, encouragement, and resources. We are proud of their success and will continue to apply and adapt successful strategies to include the collective support and encouragement of our Board of Education, district staff, and community to improve our remaining challenged schools.”
Listed below are the updated statuses of Muscogee County schools:
Schools Meeting the Exit Criteria |
Fox Elementary School (CSI) |
Dimon Elementary School (TSI) |
Lonnie Jackson Academy (TSI) |
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School (CSI) |
Schools Meeting CSI Criteria |
Baker Middle School |
Brewer Elementary School |
Dorothy Height Elementary School |
Eddy Middle School |
Forrest Road Elementary School |
Georgetown Elementary School |
Schools Meeting ATSI Criteria |
Davis Elementary School |
Key Elementary School |
How Schools Are Served
The Georgia Department of Education’s Office of School Improvement works directly with CSI schools to provide assistance to help them improve the educational outcomes of their students. Federal requirements mean school districts are charged with supporting TSI schools, while the state provides professional learning and targeted technical assistance.
The mission of the Muscogee County School District is to inspire and equip all students to achieve unlimited potential. For more information, please contact the Office of Communications at 706.748.2034 or
MEDIA INQUIRIES: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Magnet Academy Applications are now open!
1. The application process
• Online magnet applications are now open. Please click HERE to register for all magnet/academy programs (Elementary, Middle, and High).
• The online applications will close at 5:00 p.m., February 16, 2024.
• Academy/Magnet programs and students are required to have all magnet entrance exams and/or auditions complete on February 23, 2024.
• Each parent and/or student will receive an email regarding his or her application status on March 8, 2024, after 5:00 p.m.
• Decisions will include a status of acceptance, waitlist, or denial.
• Offer decisions must be made by families by 11:59 p.m. on March 15, 2024, or the offer will be rescinded.
2. Magnet school program information
• Each school will provide information for students and parents to get a snapshot of their programs on their website.
• Schools with Magnet Programs will offer Open Houses and opportunities to explore their programs from November 13, 2023, through January 4, 2024.
• Information about each school’s magnet program can be viewed HERE.
3. Important dates
• November 6: Magnet applications open.
• February 16: Magnet applications close.
• February 23: Last day to complete entrance exams and auditions.
• March 8 (After 5:00 p.m.): Magnet decisions will be emailed.
• March 15: Offer decisions must be made by 11:59 p.m. on this date or all offers will be rescinded after this time.
• March 19: Magnet schools may contact students on the waiting list through March 27.
*Any students new to the Muscogee County School District may continue to apply to any academy/magnet program after March 29, 2024. Acceptance must be approved by the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction through the Academy/Magnet Enrollment Form. New students to Muscogee County may also apply during the regular Magnet Application window. Current MCSD students must apply through the Magnet Application online on the district timeline as outlined above.
Columbus, GA -The Muscogee County School District’s 2023 SAT Graduation Cohort results were released in an announcement by the Georgia Department of Education earlier today. District results surpassed both the state and nation in all categories.
2023 SAT Graduation Cohort Results
Columbus, GA -The Muscogee County School District’s 2023 SAT Graduation Cohort results were released in an announcement by the Georgia Department of Education earlier today. District results surpassed both the state and nation in all categories.
Dr. David F. Lewis, Superintendent of Education, shared, “I am pleased that our district’s scores surpassed the state and national averages in all three categories (Reading/Writing, Math, and Composite) while testing roughly the same number of students as last year. These results represent our district’s second-highest performance to date, other than those in 2021 when fewer students participated due to the pandemic. I am grateful for the hard-working educators, students, and engaged parents who help our students reach their full potential.
We will continue to guide our students to complete the recommended coursework and provide opportunities for students to prepare for the exam through SAT Prep classes provided at each high school and during the Summer Learning Experience.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the seventh year’s results of the revised version of the SAT. The redesigned SAT features items to test higher-level logic and reasoning skills in reading, writing, and math and has a different scoring scale from previous versions. Each year, there is a different cohort of students who take the SAT, which makes it difficult to draw a comparison from one year to the next. In addition, results are contingent upon the level of coursework students pursue prior to the test administration. Since the SAT and American College Testing (ACT) allow students to sit for the exam regardless of coursework, results can vary from year to year.
Mean Evidence-Based Reading and Writing |
Group | 2022 Grads | 2023 Grads |
Nation | 521 | 510 |
Georgia | 536 | 534 |
MCSD | 546 | 556 |
School | ||
Carver High | 489 | 486 |
Columbus High | 614 | 627 |
Hardaway High | 478 | 510 |
Jordan High | 498 | 484 |
Kendrick High | 445 | 485 |
Northside | 546 | 541 |
Rainey McCullers | 558 | 561 |
Shaw High | 493 | 478 |
Spencer High | 473 | 468 |
Mean Math |
Group | 2022 Grads | 2023 Grads |
Nation | 507 | 493 |
Georgia | 516 | 511 |
MCSD | 513 | 526 |
School | ||
Carver High | 436 | 444 |
Columbus High | 597 | 609 |
Hardaway High | 453 | 476 |
Jordan High | 441 | 446 |
Kendrick High | 408 | 443 |
Northside | 507 | 501 |
Rainey McCullers | 505 | 501 |
Shaw High | 450 | 442 |
Spencer High | 428 | 456 |
Mean Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math |
Group | 2022 Grads | 2023 Grads |
Nation | 1028 | 1003 |
Georgia | 1052 | 1045 |
MCSD | 1059 | 1082 |
School | ||
Carver High | 924 | 930 |
Columbus High | 1211 | 1236 |
Hardaway High | 931 | 985 |
Jordan High | 939 | 930 |
Kendrick High | 854 | 928 |
Northside | 1054 | 1042 |
Rainey McCullers | 1062 | 1061 |
Shaw High | 943 | 920 |
Spencer High | 901 | 924 |
MEDIA INQUIRIES: Contact Kimberly A. Wright, Director of Communications at
Thanks to our wonderful community for supporting MCSD’s SPLOST initiatives, we are at the forefront of technology integration to enhance our personalized learning approach.
Thanks to our wonderful community for supporting MCSD’s SPLOST initiatives, we are at the forefront of technology integration to enhance our personalized learning approach. We take pride in achieving a 1:1 ratio with over 30,000 Chromebooks actively utilized by students daily. GoGuardian, a web-based application, has seamlessly integrated into our instructional management strategy.
MCSD is pleased to offer our parents/guardians access to the GoGuardian Parent mobile App. The app is designed to help keep parents/guardians aware of their children’s activity on MCSD-issued Chromebooks and provide them with additional controls during out-of-school hours.
What is included in this app:
- Top 5 overview of a student's online activity
- Any teacher interventions related a student's online activity
- 30-day overview of a student's online activity
- Ability to block websites on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours (4:00 pm to 7:00 am M-F, and all weekend)
- Ability to pause internet access on school-issued devices during out-of-school hours, either on-demand or at a scheduled time
Parents/Guardians can access the app:
- Download the app
- After the app is successfully downloaded and installed, open it up and enter the email address registered with the school (this email needs to match the email used in Infinite Campus/Parent Portal) Note: If you forgot your registered email address, please reach out to your school administrator.
- Login/Check Email: Check your email on your phone for a link to log in to the app. Tap the "Verify your email", and it will take you straight to the app. Note: If you don't have access to your email through the device you used to log in, tap on "Login with verification code", and copy and paste the verification code from the email into the app.
Through the use of this app, we hope to encourage more open and honest conversations between parents/guardians and students that will result in safer practices and responsible browsing habits.
Additional Information
GoGuardian Parent App Letter
Mark your Calendars!
Graduation Ceremony Schedule |
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 |
Rainey-McCullers School of the Arts | 7:00 pm |
Thursday, May 16, 2024 |
Kendrick High School | 5:00 pm |
Columbus High School | 7:30 pm |
Friday, May 17, 2024 |
William Henry Shaw High School | 5:00 pm |
Hardaway High School | 8:00 pm |
Saturday, May 18, 2024 |
Jordan Vocational High School College and Career Academy |
9:00 am |
George Washington Carver High School | 11:30 am |
William Henry Spencer High School | 2:00 pm |
Northside High School | 4:30 pm |
To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees, we have revised and will implement a series of safety procedures and guidelines effective immediately.
To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all attendees, we have revised and will implement a series of safety procedures and guidelines effective immediately. These include:
Enhanced Security
- All attendees of varsity football events at either Kinnett or Odis Spencer Stadium will be screened for weapons upon entry to the stadium. Safety personnel will be stationed throughout the venue to monitor entrances, exits, and crowd behavior, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all.
- The District reserves the right to deny admission based on reasonable suspicion of illegal drug or alcohol use.
- Middle school-aged and younger students will be refused entry without an adult, even if a ticket was previously purchased.
- All middle school students and younger children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at least 21 years of age, who is responsible for them throughout the event. MIDDLE SCHOOL-AGED AND YOUNGER STUDENTS WITH A TICKET WILL BE REFUSED ENTRY WITHOUT AN ADULT.
- No more than five (5) students will be permitted per adult.
- Once in the stadium, all spectators must remain on their respective sides and in the bleachers unless using the restroom or getting items from the concession stand.
- The MCSD Code of Conduct, available online and provided to all students, parents, and guardians at the beginning of each school year, is applicable at any event hosted by the District. In addition, attendees exhibiting horseplay, insubordination, disrespect, and fighting are subject to removal and may be banned from future games.
- Bag Size Restrictions: Bags larger than 5 x 9 inches will no longer be permitted inside the stadium during Varsity Football Games. Attendees are encouraged to leave bulky bags at home to expedite entry and security checks.
- Exceptions for Essential Bags: To accommodate essential needs, exceptions will be made by security personnel at their discretion for medical bags, diaper bags when accompanied by an age-appropriate child, and small, single-compartment clutches no larger than 5 x 9 inches. These bags will be subject to inspection upon entry.
- Enhanced Security Measures: All bags, regardless of size, will be subject to thorough security inspections to ensure the safety of all attendees. The enhanced security measures align with our commitment to providing a secure environment for all guests.
- Media personnel, photographers, student-athletes, athletic staff, trainers, band members, and band staff may bring bags subject to inspection before entry.
Student Dress Code
- Students should follow the dress code stated in the Muscogee County School District Student Handbook. The District reserves the right to remove students found to be in violation of the Student Dress.
- Face coverings, other than medical-grade, are prohibited. Violations may result in removal from the event.
Tickets and Entry
- Arriving early will help facilitate a smooth and safe entry process for visitors.
- Admission is via digital tickets that may be purchased at:
- Those who exit the stadium after initial clearance and entry will not be permitted to re-enter the event. Refunds will not be issued to anyone who has been denied admission, asked to leave, or has been removed from an event.
- There will be no admittance or purchase of tickets after half-time of the game.
Exiting the Stadium
- We request your patience and cooperation as we facilitate an organized exit after the game. Please follow the instructions of the stadium staff for a safe departure.
We realize that some requirements are not always convenient but absolutely necessary when protecting our students, schools, and community. We all play a critical role in school safety, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.